I/We can be difficult to reach — we are aware of this, and we are sorry! It’s one of the trickiest parts of running a very small operation — keeping up with everything, especially all of the emails. The best way to reach us is by phone Wedneday, Thursday and/or Friday, 11am-5/6pm. 267.740.2354. We’re here and reachable on Saturdays and Sunday mornings, too, but those are our busiest days, so it’s sometimes difficult to talk in-depth about orders. If you call and get the voicemail during the above listed hours, it means that we’re problaby super busy with a baking deadline or assisting another customer. Best thing to do is to try again in a little bit. If you send an email (though we REALLY prefer you call and not email) and you’re waiting on a reply, please follow up via phonecall! Please understand that I’m never sitting at a desk catching up with things - I’m baking all day and often into the night and as optimistic as I may feel about catching up with emails, at the end of a long day, it sometimes doesnt happen… Please follow up with me - I really do want to talk to you and bake for you!! 267.740.2354

Please note - for best results, cake orders should be placed AT LEAST a week in advance.